Kylie Kwong X Wish Magazine
I'm continually stoked when the picture editor for Wish calls me for the next little gig and I actually cry a little every time I can't do it. I feel as though it has really shaped my portraiture.
Usually when I'm shooting for a specific client you have to be quite safe while capturing images to ensure that they get the most versatility out of the images. With Wish - they want us to push the creativity, which is perfect.
Kylie's shoot was a tough one, just because it was right in the middle of the day. It was more about controlling harsh shadows rather then using the sun to you advantage and creating nice shadows and depths. It was safer to shoot it with a clean flat flash - but not direct. I can't stand direct flash lighting - it reminds me of something a paparazzi would do.
The article was online and print (below).