Dr Oetker's - Remote Risteronti - Dirk Hartog Island
If you have ever been to Dirk Hartog Island - you'll know what I'm about to say. It is in the middle of no where. Especially from Sydney.
We, Citizens of the World and I were commissioned by Haystac to cover the launch of the Dr Oetker's pizza, Remote Risteronti which was situated on the Island. Remote Risteronti was just that - remote. Let me just give you an idea what it took for a 4hr job. Friday morning around 7am I hopped on a plane from Sydney to Melbourne, with a quick stop then off to Perth followed by a extremely quick stop and up to Geraldton. Where the team of bandits was formed. A video crew, Tully Smyth (a hilarious influencer) and the client made up a convoy of 2 Mitsubishi Pajeros. From here we drove - 4hrs North through some of the most spectacular landscapes and canola fields you have ever seen, to arrive in Hamelin Pools to the most interesting Carvan Park in Australia but luckily which included the best Burgers in the World (self claimed). We all crashed out - full to the brim with a good Aussie Burger, yes that includes egg and beetroot at about around 10pm exhausted and possibly a little concerned that we might be missing someone by morning light. As the sun rose - so did we. Packed the car and drove another 250km. Although this was no standard walk in your park highway. It was the WORST corrugated road you have ever been down and it didn't stop. From 6am we drove - and drove only to arrive at 3pm. However, the violent vibrating of the car was was continually eroded by the most incredible views you have seen.
I arrived at 36hrs later at the most westerly point of Australia exhausted - but on the biggest high I ever been on. We worked till about 10pm again - then left the next morning at 5am to do it all again!