Prada - Past Forward Event

Prada recently hosted a small group of media, influences and celebrities to Government House in Sydney for the World wide preview of Past Forward.  I was asked to shoot portraits of the guests as they arrived.

I couldn't be happier doing this type work.   Although this was an event - I was in charge of capturing portraits of the guests as they arrived at the grand entrance and stairs of the Government House, Sydney.  Although to the Italian office's contact on the grounds horror what we were doing - I reassured her that fun and not too formal.  She was ecstatic at the end of it.  

As you can imagine - I didn't have much time with them.  Having to think extremely quick on your feet and trying to position them and lighting was stressful - but extremely fun.  You don't have a moment to get caught up on their status or fame.  Especially when Jessica Mauboy or Sarah Ellen walks in the door.  You just have to throw them in and work with it.

While I was shooting I had the imagery being sent wirelessly to my laptop, although it wasn't an interest by the client - it could have been sending it straight to an iPhone of iPad for Instagram or Facebook.... food for thought for your next event?

Jessica Mauboy

Jessica Mauboy

Sarah Ellen wearing Prada.

Sarah Ellen wearing Prada.

Chloe Hill

Chloe Hill

Annabella Barber

Annabella Barber

Tanja Gacic

Tanja Gacic

Stephanie Field

Stephanie Field