Stag Wines - The Most Elusive Wine Bar
Darren Palmer X MYER
Events, Fashion photography, photographyDominic LoneraganDarren Palmer, myer, event, Event Photographer, sydney event photographer, Food, food and wine, Sydney based photographer, sydney photographer, sydney social photographer, interiors, product photography, homewares, lifestyle photography
Prada - Past Forward Event
Portrait Photography, Events, Social EventDominic Loneraganfashion phototographer, fashion, Sydney based photographer, sydney fashion photographer, tanja gacic, stephaine field, sarah ellen, jessica Mauboy, prada, portraits, Sydney portrait photographer
20th Century Fox - "The Longest Ride" X Citizens of the World
The Merivales
Craggy Range - DL Photography Team
Maserati - Mothers Day Classic Polo
Events, photography, Social EventDominic Loneragansydney social photographer, Sydney based photographer, Commercial Photographer, sydney commercial photographer, car photography, cars, maserati, polo, kurri burri, polo club, sydney polo, horses, sydney event photographer, Mothers Day, Darren Palmer, Bob Hawke
MBFWA - Original and Mineral - Georgia Alice
Fashion photography, Events, photographyDominic LoneraganDL Photographysydney photographer, sydney, sydney commercial photographer, Commercial Photographer, fashion phototographer, sydney fashion photographer, MBFWA, mercedes benz, Fashion week, Original and Mineral, O&M, georgia smart, designer, photographer, photography, DL photography, Dominic Loneragan, models, backstage, hair and makeup
Life CAN be perfect with Bollinger.
event video, Events, photography, Social Event, VideoDominic Loneraganthe boat house, palm beach, sydney, bollinger, life can be perfect, the mint partners, Sam wallwork, Meghan McTavish, Pheobe Plasto, champagne, Jordan Stennmark, sydney event photographer, sydney social photographer, Sydney based photographer, Dominic Loneragan, DL photography, Video Production, Event video, Bollinger, Bollinger Champagne, Water, Bike, boats, band, canepes, beach house
The other liquid gold - Grey Goose taste by appointment
Food Photography, Events, photography, Social EventDominic LoneraganDL Photographyfood, sydney food photographer, sydney event photographer, sydney social photographer, photography, Sydney based photographer, Sydney, nikon, nikon d4s, nikon d4, Gowings Bar and Grill, QT Hotels, Grey Goose, Bicardi Lion, Joe McCanta, Taste, steak
The "where to eat" dilemma sloved... Bestest Gala Dinner
photography, Social Event, Events, Video, Corporate video, event videoDominic LoneraganAnja Nissen, the voice, Food, event, gala event, bestest gala dinner, matt moran, Guillaume Brahimi, Peter GIlmore, Quay, Aria, Mrs MacQuarie's Chair, Sydney, Sydney social photographer, Larry Edmur, Bob Hawke, Video
Georg Jensen - 110 Year Anniversary
event video, Events, photography, Social EventDominic LoneraganDominic, DL photography, sydney social photographer, sydney food photographer, Sydney based photographer, sydney, sydney commercial photographer, Georg Jensen, Wish Magazine, Vogue Australia, Rockpool, sydney event photographer, event, Event video, nikon d4, Nikon D800, nikon d4s, nikon, Food
Peugeot X Sydney Roosters - Backyard footy
Corporate video, event video, Events, photography, VideoDominic Loneragansydney social photographer, Sydney based photographer, sydney Roosters, Commercial Photographer, Video, Video Production, Event video, peugeot, sports, photography, photographer, DL photography, nikon d4, nikon d4s, nikon