Stag Wines - The Most Elusive Wine Bar
Country Road x Amanda Shadforth Launch
Dominic LoneraganSydney based photographer, sydney photographer, sydney event photographer, fashion, fashion phototographer, sydney fashion photographer, country road, amanda shadforth, oracle, style, coffee, cr capsule, sydney fashion blog, fashion blog, model, event, oracle fox, Roberta Pecoraro, lifestyle photography, sydney style, shoes, clothes, leather, launch event, Amanda Shadforth, Country Road, Oracle Fox
Darren Palmer X MYER
Events, Fashion photography, photographyDominic LoneraganDarren Palmer, myer, event, Event Photographer, sydney event photographer, Food, food and wine, Sydney based photographer, sydney photographer, sydney social photographer, interiors, product photography, homewares, lifestyle photography
The Merivales
MBFWA - Original and Mineral - Serpent and the Swan
Fashion photography, photographyDominic LoneraganDL PhotographyMBFWA, sydney fashion photographer, fashion phototographer, photographer, sydney, event, nikon d4, nikon d4s, nikon, mercedes benz, Commercial Photographer, Original and Mineral, O&M, serpent and the swan, fashion, hair and makeup, backstage, models, london management group, chadwick models
The "where to eat" dilemma sloved... Bestest Gala Dinner
photography, Social Event, Events, Video, Corporate video, event videoDominic LoneraganAnja Nissen, the voice, Food, event, gala event, bestest gala dinner, matt moran, Guillaume Brahimi, Peter GIlmore, Quay, Aria, Mrs MacQuarie's Chair, Sydney, Sydney social photographer, Larry Edmur, Bob Hawke, Video
Georg Jensen - 110 Year Anniversary
event video, Events, photography, Social EventDominic LoneraganDominic, DL photography, sydney social photographer, sydney food photographer, Sydney based photographer, sydney, sydney commercial photographer, Georg Jensen, Wish Magazine, Vogue Australia, Rockpool, sydney event photographer, event, Event video, nikon d4, Nikon D800, nikon d4s, nikon, Food