Priceline - Samantha Harris
MBFWA - Original and Mineral - Georgia Alice
Fashion photography, Events, photographyDominic LoneraganDL Photographysydney photographer, sydney, sydney commercial photographer, Commercial Photographer, fashion phototographer, sydney fashion photographer, MBFWA, mercedes benz, Fashion week, Original and Mineral, O&M, georgia smart, designer, photographer, photography, DL photography, Dominic Loneragan, models, backstage, hair and makeup
MBFWA - O&M - Bianca Spender
Dominic LoneraganDL Photographyfashion phototographer, fashion, Fashion week, sydney fashion photographer, photography, photographer, DL Photography, sydney photographer, Dominic Loneragan, nikon, nikon d4, nikon d4s, Commercial Photographer, sydney commercial photographer, mercedes benz, MBFWA, models, Bianca Spender, Original and Mineral, O&M, chadwick models, london management group
MBFWA - Original and Mineral - Serpent and the Swan
Fashion photography, photographyDominic LoneraganDL PhotographyMBFWA, sydney fashion photographer, fashion phototographer, photographer, sydney, event, nikon d4, nikon d4s, nikon, mercedes benz, Commercial Photographer, Original and Mineral, O&M, serpent and the swan, fashion, hair and makeup, backstage, models, london management group, chadwick models